Piedinature - Pinouts

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EGA=Enhanced Graphics Adapter.
Videotype: TTL, 16/64 colors.
(15.74-21.85 KHz)

9 PIN D-SUB FEMALE (At the videocard)

9 PIN D-SUB MALE (At the monitor cable)

9 PIN D-SUB FEMALE at the videocard.
9 PIN D-SUB MALE at the monitor cable.

Pin Name Description
1 GND Ground
2 SR Secondary Red
3 PR Primary Red
4 PG Primary Green
5 PB Primary Blue
6 SG/I Secondary Green / Intensity
7 SB Secondary Blue
8 H Horizontal Sync
9 V Vertical Sync

Standard EGA

According to the CPD-1303 user guide:
 Pin:        1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 Analog     GND GND RED GRN BLU GND --- H/HV V  * DIG/NORM   GND GND RED GRN BLU GND --- H/HV V    /D1     GND GND RED GRN BLU INT --- H/HV V    /D2/CGA GND GND RED GRN BLU INT --- H/HV V    /D2/MDA GND GND --- --- --- INT GRN H/HV V    /D2/EGA GND  r   R   G   B   g   b  H/HV V

r-g-b is secondary colors for 64 color EGA
* Sync on green automatic if H or HV is not assigned to pin #8.
SYNC: any polarity.
Vertical size depends on vertical frequency and can be adjusted manually.

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(C) 2003-2024 Jack aka JackMauro aka Mauro