Piedinature - Pinouts
NeoGeo Joystick

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Available on the NeoGeo videogame.

14 PIN CANNON (2 ROWS) ?? at the Computer.

Could anyone please tell me what kind of connector it has.

Pin Name Dir Description
1 GND ------ Ground
2 n/c - Not connected
3 SELECT IN Select Button
4 BUTTOND IN "D" Button
5 BUTTONB IN "B" Button
6 RIGHT IN Right
7 DOWN IN Down
8 n/c - Not connected
9 BUTTOND IN "D" Button, again?
10 n/c - Not connected
11 START IN Start Button
12 BUTTONC IN "C" Button
13 BUTTONA IN "A" Button
14 LEFT IN Left
15 UP IN Up

Note: Direction is Computer relative Joystick.

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