Stop Error Messages

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Stop 0x0000000A or IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL - The Stop 0xAmessage indicates that a kernel-mode process or driver attempted toaccess a memory location to which it did not have permission, or ata kernel interrupt request level (IRQL) that was too high. Akernel-mode process can access only other processes that have anIRQL lower than, or equal to, its own. This Stop message istypically due to faulty or incompatible hardware or software.
Stop 0x0000001E or KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED - The Stop 0x1Emessage indicates that the Windows XP Professional kernel detectedan illegal or unknown processor instruction. The problems that causeStop 0x1E messages share similarities with those that generate Stop0xA errors in that they can be due to invalid memory and accessviolations. This default Windows XP Professional error handlertypically intercepts these problems if error-handling routines arenot present in the code itself.
Stop 0x00000024 or NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM - The Stop 0x24 messageindicates that a problem occurred within Ntfs.sys, the driver filethat allows the system to read and write to NTFS file system drives.A similar Stop message, 0x23, exists for the file allocation table(FAT16 or FAT32) file systems.
Stop 0x0000002E or DATA_BUS_ERROR - The Stop 0x2E messageindicates a system memory parity error. The cause is typicallyfailed or defective RAM (including motherboard, Level 2 cache, orvideo memory), incompatible or mismatched memory hardware, or when adevice driver attempts to access an address in the 0x8xxxxxxx rangethat does not exist (does not map to a physical address). A Stop0x2E message can also indicate hard disk damage caused by viruses orother problems.
Stop 0x0000003F or NO_MORE_SYSTEM_PTES - The Stop 0x3F messageindicates one or more of the following problems:
  • The system Page Table Entries (PTEs)are depleted or fragmented due to the system performing a largenumber of input/output (I/O) actions.
  • A faulty device driver is notmanaging memory properly.
  • An application, such as a backupprogram, is improperly allocating large amounts of kernelmemory.
Stop 0x00000050 or PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA - The Stop 0x50message indicates that requested data was not in memory. The systemgenerates an exception error when using a reference to an invalidsystem memory address. Defective memory (including main memory, L2RAM cache, video RAM) or incompatible software (including remotecontrol and antivirus software) might cause Stop 0x50 messages.
Stop 0x00000077 or KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR - The Stop 0x77message indicates that a page of kernel data requested from thepaging (virtual memory) file could not be found or read into memory.This Stop message can also indicate disk hardware failure, disk datacorruption, or possible virus infection.
Stop 0x00000079 or MISMATCHED_HAL - The Stop 0x79 messageindicates that the hardware abstraction layer (HAL) and the kerneltype for the computer do not match. This error most often occurswhen ACPI firmware settings are changed. For example, you mightinstall Windows XP Professional on an x86-based computer with thefirmware ACPI enable option enabled and later decide to disable it.This error can also result when mismatched single andmulti-processor configuration files are copied to the system.
Stop 0x0000007A or KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR - The Stop 0x7Amessage indicates that a page of kernel data was not found in thepaging (virtual memory) file and could not be read into memory. Thismight be due to incompatible disk or controller drivers, firmware,or hardware.
Stop 0x0000007B or INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE - The Stop 0x7Bmessage indicates that Windows XP Professional has lost access tothe system partition or boot volume during the startup process.Installing incorrect device drivers when installing or upgradingstorage adapter hardware typically causes stop 0x7B errors. Stop0x7B errors could also indicate possible virus infection.
Stop 0x0000007F or UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP - The Stop 0x7Fmessage indicates that one of three types of problems occurred inkernel-mode:
  • A condition that the kernel isnot allowed to have or intercept (also known as a bound trap).
  • Software problems.
  • Hardware failures.
Stop 0x0000009F or DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE - The Stop 0x9Fmessage indicates that a driver is in an inconsistent or invalidpower state.
Stop 0xBE or ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY - The Stop0xBE message indicates that a driver attempted to write to read-onlymemory.
Stop 0xC2 or BAD_POOL_CALLER - The Stop 0xC2 message indicatesthat a kernel-mode process or driver incorrectly attempted toperform memory operations in the following ways:
  • By allocating a memory pool sizeof zero bytes.
  • By allocating a memory pool thatdoes not exist.
  • By attempting to free a memorypool that is already free.
  • By allocating or freeing a memorypool at an IRQL that was too high.
This Stop message is typically dueto a faulty driver or software.
Stop 0x000000CE orDRIVER_UNLOADED_WITHOUT_CANCELLING_PENDING_OPERATIONS - This Stop message indicates that a driver failed to cancelpending operations before exiting.
Stop 0x000000D1 or DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL - The Stop0xD1 message indicates that the system attempted to access pageablememory using a kernel process IRQL that was too high. Drivers thathave used improper addresses typically cause this error.
Stop 0x000000D8 or DRIVER_USED_EXCESSIVE_PTES - The Stop 0xD8message typically occurs if your computer runs out of page tableentries (PTEs) due to a driver that requests large amounts of kernelmemory.
Stop 0x000000EA or THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER - A devicedriver problem is causing the system to pause indefinitely.Typically, this problem is caused by a display driver waiting forthe video hardware to enter an idle state. This might indicate ahardware problem with the video adapter or a faulty video driver.
Stop 0x000000ED or UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME - The kernel modeI/O subsystem attempted to mount the boot volume and it failed. Thiserror might also occur during an upgrade to Windows XP Professionalon systems that use higher throughput ATA disks or controllers withincorrect cabling. In some cases, your system might appear to worknormally after you restart.
Stop 0x000000F2 or HARDWARE_INTERRUPT_STORM - The Stop 0xF2message occurs if the kernel detects an interrupt storm. Aninterrupt storm occurs when a level-interrupt-triggered device failsto release an interrupt request (IRQ). This can result from thefollowing causes:
  • A device fails to respond to aninterrupt release signal sent from a driver.
  • An incorrectly written devicedriver fails to send an interrupt release request to a device.The driver fails to determine that the interrupt was hardwareinitiated.
  • An incorrectly written devicedriver claims an interrupt request meant for a different device.This occurs only for multiple devices sharing an IRQ.
  • The edge level control registeris set incorrectly by system firmware.
  • Edge level andlevel-interrupt-triggered devices are incorrectly assigned thesame IRQ (for example, a serial port and a Peripheral ComponentInterconnect (PCI) SCSI controller).
Stop 0xC000021A or STATUS_SYSTEM_PROCESS_TERMINATED - The Stop0xC000021A message occurs when Windows XP Professional switches intokernel mode and a user-mode subsystem, such as Winlogon or theClient Server Runtime Subsystem (CSRSS), is compromised and securitycan no longer be guaranteed. Because Windows XP Professional cannotrun without Winlogon or CSRSS, this is one of the few situationswhere the failure of a user-mode service can cause the system tostop responding. You cannot use the kernel debugger in thissituation because the error occurred in a user-mode process.
A Stop 0xC000021A message can alsooccur when the computer is restarted after a system administratorhas modified permissions in such a way that the SYSTEM account nolonger has adequate permissions to access system files and folders.
Stop 0xC0000221 or STATUS_IMAGE_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH - This Stopmessage indicates driver, system file, or disk corruption problems(such as a damaged paging file). Faulty memory hardware can alsocause this Stop message to appear.

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(C) 2003-2024 Jack aka JackMauro aka Mauro